The Art of Writing Software

Installing Ubuntu on an old Macbook

[Update: This post is turning into a lab notebook more than anything, and I’m mainly just recording it here as someplace convenient, with the idea that someone might find it useful someday.]

I have a 2008-vintage Macbook for which OS X no longer seems to be a good option: I managed to get it upgraded to OS X 10.7 (which was not straightforward), but I think the hardware is a little underpowered at this point. In fact, upgrades to later versions of OS X are not even supported.

Since I don’t otherwise have a personal laptop and occasionally need something for writing/email/lightweight development, I figured I’d give Linux a shot, having had previous experience of getting extended service lifetime out of old hardware. Plus it had been a while since I’d monkeyed around with installing Linux; I was curious how hard or easy this was (bearing in mind that I was highly confident it would be easier than installing Slackware off a stack of 3.5” floppies). I gave Ubuntu a shot.

Long story short: I managed to get it working (mostly), but it required a lot of trial-and-error (and multiple reinstall-from-scratch passes). Since this was hardware I was going to retire and I was working on it in my spare time [with 4 kids, this stretched out over weeks!], I didn’t mind, but it wasn’t entirely straightforward. The documentation was relatively good, although somewhat contradictory, likely because it was from several sources that did asynchronous evolution.

Some things I encountered:

Ultimately, a fun project, and the thrifty part of me likes getting some extended use out of the laptop. It appears to be able to run Minecraft reasonably well (and better than the OS X installation on the same hardware!), which will make it a big hit with the kids, and it’s handy being able to have something serviceable for lightweight use when I’m on a trip where using a work laptop wouldn’t be appropriate.

Notes for myself for later/lab notebook

(I won’t rule out the possibility of needing to reinstall from scratch at some point, but I’ll probably have forgotten all this stuff by then!)

18 January 2015: still having kernel panics on resume/wake up. This bug seems to blame the wireless driver, which means I am going to need a new kernel somehow. Since Raring Ringtail is EOL, this either means building my own kernel, possibly with a patched source (ugh) or something else. I’m somewhat tempted to attempt an install of the most recent LTS Ubuntu release just to see if it will work with this hardware or not; since I don’t have anything important on the laptop anymore, blowing away the Linux install is still a viable option. Also suggests I should really be thinking of using this mostly as a netbook whose hard disk is mostly just temporary storage until I can push stuff out to the network sometime.

Went with 14.04.1 LTS (Trusty Tahr): so far this seems to be stable across sleep/restart. Default trackpad settings are off, though; they required pushing too hard on the trackpad. Found the settings to fix this:

$ xinput set-prop appletouch “Synaptics Finger” 10 50 0

Still need to work out how to make that trackpad setting persist across restarts. Apparently adding the above command as /etc/X11/Xsession.d/85custom_fix-trackpad may do that. Yup!

Success! Seems like everything works ok now: suspend/resume, trackpad, wireless, even Chrome and Dropbox. So, perhaps I misinterpreted the Ubuntu-on-Macbook support matrix? Possible, but the columns are labelled “most recent release” and “most recent LTS release”, which led me to think those were the maximum versions that would work. Not so, apparently. But anyway, seem to have a working, semi-stable laptop now (although I discovered that Firefox could trigger a kernel crash on certain pages; not really a big deal since I plan to use Chrome mostly).